March 2022


What Does a Web Agency Do?

A web development agency provides many services for business owners, non-profits, and individuals with personal blogs as well. One of the g biggest mistakes you can make is trying to develop a website on your own if you don’t have the proper background in content management, graphic designs, custom CSS coding, and any other extra bells and whistles you want to add to your site. You may not realize how important having a great-looking website can be for your business, …


4 Ways Snapchat Can Help Your Business

Snapchat might seem like a new social media platform, but it is no joke. This app has taken the world by storm and has been beloved by millennials everywhere. In fact, Snapchat is more popular than Twitter and even Pinterest! It’s incredible to think about the millions of users who follow Snapchat daily. Especially, the benefits you can take advantage of for your business Today, I would like to give you four ways that Snapchat can help your business. The …

About me

Hi, I'm Gary, I've worked in marketing for 20 years and this is my blog.

I’m currently available for consulting and can work remotely or on-site depending on Covid regulations. If you have a project you would like to discuss with me please get in touch.