July 2022


Is Storytelling Effective for Marketing?

With the sheer number of brands in the market, it seems impossible to stake your place. It’s just as difficult to precisely communicate to potential customers how your brand is unique.  Some big names do it well — the general public might automatically think of Coca-Cola on a hot summer’s day at the beach as opposed to the likes of Gatorade or Mountain Dew. So how would the latter two brands snag a share of the customer demographic?  Using the …


5 Signs You Need To Hire a Copywriter

Do you need to hire a copywriter? You can tell by taking into account the following five pointers… Your Web Presence Isn’t Generating Sales If your website isn’t generating sales, or if it isn’t generating enough sales for you, you might consider hiring a copywriter. It might be time to hire a freelance copywriter to better organize your content creation process. One of the main reasons you should consider hiring a copywriter for your content needs is that you will …


How to Optimise Your Email Campaign Through The Use Of Video

So let’s talk about how to use video in your next email marketing campaign. Get started right away by just uploading your video and you can choose to include it when you create your email campaign. You can also include the word “video” in the subject line if you’re linking to a video in the email. If you have a large number of subscribers using one of Apple Mail, you may want to consider including video in your emails. If …


How an SEO Agency can Help Increase Organic Website Traffic

Like most business owners, you know that website traffic is key to your success and you also know that generating consistent, organic website traffic can be difficult. That’s where an SEO agency comes in. An SEO agency can help increase your website’s visibility and organic search engine traffic. By optimizing your website for search engines, an SEO agency can help you attract more visitors to your site and improve your bottom line. An SEO agency can also help you create …

About me

Hi, I'm Gary, I've worked in marketing for 20 years and this is my blog.

I’m currently available for consulting and can work remotely or on-site depending on Covid regulations. If you have a project you would like to discuss with me please get in touch.