With the sheer number of brands in the market, it seems impossible to stake your place. It’s just as difficult to precisely communicate to potential customers how your brand is unique.
Some big names do it well — the general public might automatically think of Coca-Cola on a hot summer’s day at the beach as opposed to the likes of Gatorade or Mountain Dew. So how would the latter two brands snag a share of the customer demographic?
Using the power of storytelling in marketing, each brand can establish its own identity that engrains itself in the memory of the audience.
What is Storytelling in Marketing?
Storytelling in marketing places the brand’s values in the context of the real world. We see this when Coca-Cola showcases its characters sharing a can of Coke on the beach, at the movies, or at a sports game. We see this when Uber emphasizes its flexibility in work hours with a montage of a happy family.
The best examples of storytelling in marketing convey their respective brand message using a story that the audience can intimately relate to. It answers the question, “Why does your brand exist at all?” Click here for more information on storytelling in marketing.
Why Should I Use Storytelling?
Creating a captivating story with imaginative detail takes significantly more work than simply stating the brand message on the website. But humans are naturally inclined towards more social means of passing knowledge and expressing emotion, spanning all the way back to our ancient history. This post provides more detail on why storytelling is crucial to a business.
Through stories, you are better able to connect to the audience by appealing to their emotions. This fundamental connection is a powerful tool that promotes cooperation and changes behavior, making any calls to action much more effective.
Any brand that conveys a unique story is more memorable for potential customers. Steve Jobs famously shared his story of coming from a humble working-class background, the numerous obstacles he faced in the founding of Apple, and his struggle with cancer that humanized him to the public. The audience more easily identified with his hardworking and persevering character, indirectly developing a sense of trust in the brand.
Where Do I Start?
Step 1 is to fundamentally know why your brand exists and what it stands for. This guides everything from product/service development to marketing, and imbues a sense of purpose in its identity.
Next, consider the audience target demographic and the best medium in which to convey the story. Younger audiences may prefer short videos while an older audience may connect more with written posts. If you’re still unsure how to convey your story, a storytelling marketing agency can aid in refining your vision and automating the marketing.
Regardless of the story you tell and the medium in which you convey it, storytelling in marketing is one of the most effective and memorable ways to set your brand apart by creating human connections.