January 20, 2023


Managing Common Cybersecurity Risks For In-Office, Hybrid & Remote Workers

There are numerous ways a cybercriminal may infiltrate a company. One of the top ways to breach data is through phishing. What is phishing? Essentially, it’s when a malicious attachment or link to a spoof site is sent in an email. These emails have become quite sophisticated in their design to fool the employee into downloading malicious software or handing over sensitive information, such as log-in details. The criminal then uses the access gained to deliver a malware infection or …


The Importance of Effective Vendor Relationship Management

First, what is vendor relationship management? Essentially, it is the process of deepening buyer-supplier relationships to establish a stronger foundation of trust and achieve mutually beneficial outcomes. When this process is refined and relationships enriched, it can lead to a host of key benefits including a smoother flow of data, improved operations and much more.  As all vendors and their roles differ, vendor relationships cannot all be handled the same. Therefore, a well-devised process should be developed to improve the …

About me

Hi, I'm Gary, I've worked in marketing for 20 years and this is my blog.

I’m currently available for consulting and can work remotely or on-site depending on Covid regulations. If you have a project you would like to discuss with me please get in touch.