September 23, 2021


Helpful Tips on Growing Your Online Clientele

Growing your customer base can be tricky and, at times, it might seem impossible to make any progress. The only world is so noisy and there’s so much competition, that you may ask yourself “where do I even start?” But there are ways to help increase your clientele and have them stick around. Below are a few ideas: 1) Have an eye catching website Nothing is more of a turn off when researching a company, than to find their website …


Rebranding Your Business

In terms of branding Marketing your business, one of the biggest decisions you will ever have to make is choosing a logo for your branding efforts. A great logo will not only define your brand name, but it will also lend a personal touch to your campaign. You can have the best logo in the world, but if your company’s branding does not reflect well with your logo, you are defeating the purpose. When choosing a logo, there are some …

About me

Hi, I'm Gary, I've worked in marketing for 20 years and this is my blog.

I’m currently available for consulting and can work remotely or on-site depending on Covid regulations. If you have a project you would like to discuss with me please get in touch.