November 26, 2020

Geofencing Marketing
geofencing marketing

Geofencing Marketing | The Power of Geofencing

Geofence marketing is place-based advertisements wherein a person’s location is recorded online, and ads are displayed only to those within a certain area targeted. Geofence advertising campaigns are best suited for get-in-the-moment advertising and cater to hyper-local messages and specific locations. Geofence marketing has become one of the most popular methods of advertising online. Many advertisers and marketers have started using this type of online advertising method in order to target prospective customers. With the help of this method, an …

About me

Hi, I'm Gary, I've worked in marketing for 20 years and this is my blog.

I’m currently available for consulting and can work remotely or on-site depending on Covid regulations. If you have a project you would like to discuss with me please get in touch.